Airports by country


Reference dataset, airports. Provides airport names, countries and latitude and longitude references for 500 cities and major destinations indexed by country and name. Globally applicable.


This dataset provides a reference for 500 world airports, including all major cities and destinations. The data was original compiled by DEFRA. It is one of two representations of the same airport database, specifically structured to be searchable via each airport's host country and name. This can be contrasted with the companion dataset, searchable via IATA code.

The dataset

This dataset provides a selective list of 500 global aiports, together with useful metadata associated with each, including the airport name. country, IATA code and latitude and longitude reference points.

Airports are indexed according to their country and name, which provides a convenient structure for finding and accessing airport data by global geographic location.

This dataset can be used to provide the latitudinal and longitudinal references for calculating distances between airports.

Related datasets

This dataset can also be accessed on the basis of airport IATA code. In addition, another dual-access dataset is available (by IATA code or airport country and name) which provides a more comprehensive (3000) list of global airports but has a lower authority rating than this dataset.

FIIXO87XXCKW Afghanistan, Kabul [KBL]
LJVOQ3JEXZDY Albania, Tirane [TIA]
1M8ZROY5W1FA Algeria, Algiers [ALG]
6C4EY5DCYH1S American Samoa, Pago Pago [PPG]
FMOI74RSYGV3 Angola, Luanda [LAD]
P981YTL5DLZ8 Antigua and Barbuda, Saint John's [ANU]
3AI8CCCUFVPU Argentina, Buenos Aires [EZE]
LVFC2G4DXBKV Armenia, Yerevan [EVN]
VF8FEBDQ0FGR Australia, Adelaide [ADL]
22NR24F56DZ1 Australia, Brisbane [BNE]
UL49CVIXQB3N Australia, Cairns [CNS]
62C11KG11KJG Australia, Canberra [CBR]
NI1JVA4KDOYQ Australia, Gold Coast [OOL]
R23FDAIAWLCO Australia, Melbourne [MEB]
K13P2CLR3GB5 Australia, Newcastle [NTL]
QS14R9NA1RR5 Australia, Perth [JAD]
GR5T7NQMVN0B Australia, Sydney [BWU]
KLXF5M24NOW0 Austria, Vienna [VIE]
ZKETSDQXNKYD Azerbaijan, Baku [BAK]
GZ59NT2H1S5H Bahrain, Manama [BAH]
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Name: Airports_by_country
Full path: /transport/plane/generic/airports/countries
Parent Category: Global airports
Provenance: DEFRA