Carbon Reduction Commitment
Under this scheme, organisations which use at least one Half Hourly electricity meter and greater than 6,000 MWh of electricity per year are required to report on the CO2 emissions associated with their total energy consumption (electricity + other energy sources) except that associated with transport or onward supply.
CRC will affect large organisations in both the public and private sector. Organisations that meet the qualification criteria (based electricity consumption in 2008), will be obliged to participate in CRC. Participating organisations will have to monitor their emissions and purchase allowances, initially sold by Government, for each tonne of CO2 they emit. This provides a direct incentive for organisations to reduce their emissions.
In June 2011, the UK government published tentative proposals for simplifying the CRC. These proposals are due for public consultation in 2012 with a view to full implementation in 2013.
The CarbonKit pages listed in the "Pages in this Standard" tab provide data and emissions calculations based on the data and calculating methodology specified in the latest (22nd January 2010) documentation published by the Department of Energy & Climate Change.