Cement EPA


This category allows the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions from the production of cement using the cement-based methodology. This method is based on the U.S. EPA's ClimateWise program (ICF 1999).

Use the drill-down cement type and enter the profile item values listed below in order to calculate the emissions for the selected cement


CO2 emissions = cement quantity * clinker content * raw material quantity * CaCO3 ratio * 0.44

The factor 0.44 is the CO2 to CaCO3 stoichiometric ratio.

N622IDXQ79HV 100% Portland Output
5DKR2DWK3OVD Blended and/or Masonry Cement
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Name: Cement_EPA
Full path: /business/processes/production/cement/epa
Parent Category: Cement
Provenance: Based on the GHG Protocol worksheet for cement