Climate Leaders


Climate Leaders is a joint EPA-industry programme for reducing corporate impact on the environment. Climate Leaders helps companies to calculate corporate-wide greenhouse gas emissions inventories, set reduction targets, and establish a transparent and credible record of their impacts and accomplishments through annual reporting to the EPA.

Associated with the Climate Leaders initiative are a number of technical guidance documents which outline calculation methodologies and provide data for calculating greenhouse gas emissions from a variety of sources. These cover stationary and mobile fuel combustion, electricity, refrigeration and air conditioning, as well as several industry specific methodologies such as those for the iron and steel industry. For some important industrial cases where specific methodologies are not provided, Climate Leaders recommends methodologies published by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and their partners in industry (e.g. aluminium, cement, paper).

categories supporting Climate Leaders guidelines

The categories in the "Pages in this Standard" tab provide data and calculation methodologies published or recommended in conjunction with the Climate Leaders initiative.

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Name: Climate_Leaders
Full path: /documentation/Climate_Leaders
Parent Category: Documentation