Country Aggregates


The aggregate category contains data on CO2 emissions aggregated by country and global region. Values represent all CO2 emissions related to the combustion and flaring of fossil fuels.

The data provides aggregate (Mt/yr) and per capita (t/yr) CO2 emission rates (2006), cumulative CO2 emissions for the period 1850-2004, as well as an index of change since 1996, for all countries and 8 geographic regions. In addition, countries are ranked in terms of their aggregate annual (2005) CO2 production.

All data is sourced from the US government Energy Information Administration, except for the 1850-2004 cumulative data which is sourced from the World Resources Institute.

9121YQOQY2ZP Afghanistan
XS5S5H43IFPA Africa
54BA68AJ3GM8 Albania
NGFQO1W8AL6E Algeria
XINE8QPVXF3H American Samoa
4G9WQN7ND94T Antarctica
FQZLUTSDUSRG Antigua and Barbuda
L0SBU7T8KVCC Argentina
JM4MUI42MXM3 Aruba
AE7PZ1CWIBA5 Asia & Oceania
8K79KUPTWPM1 Austria
5G74HF1FFD56 Azerbaijan
50WPNXWQTD3I Bahamas, The
L1LBEOOZHW79 Bangladesh
D2A76OD4L706 Barbados
NP4Y0IEA48MI Belarus
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Name: Country_Aggregates
Full path: /planet/country/aggregate
Parent Category: Country