Lead production


The category business/processes/production/lead/ is for industry professionals to calculate and report on their their greenhouse gas emissions associated with the primary production of rough lead bullion from lead concentrates. This methodology represents the Tier 1 (default values) and Tier 2 (facility- or country-specific values) approaches described by the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGIP).

CarbonKit allows the user to calculate emissions from lead produced by Direct Smelting (DS), from the Imperial Smelting Furnace (ISF) and from secondary materials. Each of these exists as a drill-down option in this category, so can be calculated individually. To use this category use the leadProductionBySource drill-down to select the lead source or furnace type from the following options:

  1. default
  2. imperial smelt furnace (ISF) production
  3. direct smelting (DS) production
  4. treatment of secondary raw materials
There is the option of using a default emission factor, using the default drill-down option. This default assumes 80% lead produced from ISF and 20% lead produced from DS.

The only required profile item value is the quantity of lead produced, productQuantity. The emission factor for each source and furnace type has a default value provided, but this can be over-ridden, using the massCO2PerMassProduct profile item value, by the user if more precise, site or country-specific values are known. Over-riding the default values represents the Tier 2 approach described by the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGIP) and should be used where users have facility-specific data.

3DD56RHU5ZZQ default
NJDLDXJ6F20B direct smelting (DS) production
OA8H3FO4YWT3 imperial smelt furnace (ISF) production
AV19S16QP3SE treatment of secondary raw materials
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Name: Lead_production
Full path: /business/processes/production/lead
Parent Category: Processes production
Provenance: IPCC-NGGIP