Lime carbonate composition
This category contains data and methodology for calculating the greenhouse gas emissions from lime manufacturing using the carbonate composition of the raw material that enters the kiln. Emissions are disaggregated on the basis of the types of carbonates used and are corrected for LKD and the fraction of each carbonate species that remains uncalcined following lime production.
This methodology and associated data is sourced from the WRI Greenhouse Gas protocol worksheets but ultimately follows the IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. This cateogry represents the IPCC's Tier 3 approach.
Use the drill-down carbonateType and enter the required profile item values listed below.
CO2 emissions = (EF * carbonateQuantity * calcinationFrac) - (lkdQuantity * weightLkd * (1 - lkdCalcFrac) * emFact)
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