Other regional light goods truck


This category is deprecated. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodologies for other regional light goods vehicle transport can now be found here

The category /transport/lgv/generic/ghgp/lightgoods/other contains data on emissions associated with light goods trucks in non-US or UK contexts sourced from the GHGP Protocol, and allows the user to calculate emissions depending on vehicle fuel type.

Firstly the fuel type from the following options using the fuelType drill option:

  • lpg
  • diesel
  • gasoline

The distance is then set as a profile item value, with the algorithm returning a value for kg CO2 emitted according to the fuel type and distance specified.

Biomass fuel

The GHG protocol requires CO2 emissions from biomass fuels to be reported on differently, due to the fact that the CO2 released from biomass fuels has only recently been sequestered from the atmosphere and so does not constitute a net increase in CO2, unlike fossil fuel emissions or those of CH4 and N2. Therefore, the CO2 emissions for ethanol are not included here, but can be found in the biofuel subcategory.

S11V8ZYLE11D diesel
YQZ44ONE08G6 gasoline
S7K7F04DU1DT lpg
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