Plane passenger class


This category is now deprecated. All of the functionality of this category (and more) an be found under the specific DEFRA category for plane transport

This category contains CO2 emissions data for air travel according to specific passenger classes. The data is sourced from the UK government agency DEFRA, and is used as a lookup reference by The category Generic plane transport in making emissions calculations for passenger air travel.

YHLEN5UAQ3L9 long haul, business
WLMIH8ZJ0BRD long haul, economy
LQZBVTQ70H08 long haul, economy plus
2L2GICCCV2CP long haul, first
6WZ2BVH39642 short haul, business
R1ZMA95L8QSL short haul, economy
Log in to perform calculations on this data
Name: Plane_passenger_class
Full path: /transport/plane/generic/passengerclass
Parent Category: Generic plane transport