UK Average Travel


This category contains data on the typical emissions associated with domestic travel in the UK per either individual or household.
AXBVBJ2L4S57 Domestic Flights, household average
R8WHQ2PQ1474 Domestic Flights, individual average
10FD1WDGLMNR International Long-haul Flights, household average
4E6FNN4RCOZ3 International Long-haul Flights, individual average
LU0HYPC8M2SD International Short-haul Flights, household average
EPYCONDRR6CP International Short-haul Flights, individual average
89ZT7GN8ZYRU Other Transport, household average
REI13KZSGIE7 Other Transport, individual average
NS3NSQR6GYQ4 Personal Cars/Motorcycles, household average
GQ1777SKBCSH Personal Cars/Motorcycles, individual average
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Name: UK_Average_Travel
Full path: /planet/country/uk/average/travel
Parent Category: UK Average
Provenance: DECC 2009