A methodology details how emissions should be calculated, recommending or requiring use of a particular data set - see the Standards page for a full definition. Below is a list of …
The Inventory for Carbon and Energy, or ICE, is a life cycle database representing a wide range of building and construction materials, published by the Sustainable Energy Research…
This category contains data on the greenhouse gases - or groups of greenhouse gases - which are typically emitted in association with particular industrial processes. The advice or…
Life cycle methodology, materials. Calculates embodied energy and carbon dioxide (CO2) and CO2e emissions based on the quantity of materials used (by mass). Scenarios include speci…
The 'boundaries' represented by each embodied CO2 factor are described in CarbonKit as follows; "Cradle to grave" - embodied CO2 from entire life cycle of material "Cradle to gate"…
Benchmark dataset. Disclosed emissions for companies reporting to the UK Government's Carbon Reduction Commitment initiative. UK. Summary This dataset describes greenhouse gas emis…
This category allows the user to calculate emissions from various forms of waste disposal, following the latest Defra data and methodologies. Emissions are based on the full life-c…