You searched for ‘tags:calculation’

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Enteric fermentation [/business/agriculture/livestock/entericfermentation]
Domestic livestock methodology, enteric fermentation. Calculates methane emissions (CH4 and CO2e) based on livestock population. Scenarios include cattle, deer, goats, sheep, swine…
Underground mining [/business/processes/fugitive/mining/underground]
Fugitive emissions methodology, underground mining. Calculates methane (CH4) emissions based on the quantity of coal produced. Globally applicable. Summary This methodology represe…
Ethylene dichloride production [/business/processes/production/petrochemical/generic/ethylenedichloride]
The category at business/processes/production/petrochemical/generic/ethylenedichloride provides a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the productio…
Acrylonitrile production [/business/processes/production/petrochemical/generic/acrylonitrile]
The category at business/processes/production/petrochemical/generic/acrylonitrile provides a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of …
Fur bearing livestock manure nitrous oxide emissions [/business/agriculture/livestock/manure/n2o/furbearing]
Domestic livestock methodology, manure management and storage. Calculates nitrous oxide emissions (N2O and CO2e) based on livestock population. Scenarios include foxes, mink, polec…
European light goods transport IPCC [/transport/van/generic/ipcc/europe]
This category is deprecated. The IPCC methodology for European light goods transport can be found here The category /transport/van/generic/ipcc/europe contains data on greenhouse g…
Offroad fuels [/transport/byFuel/ipcc/offroad]
The category /transport/byFuel/ipcc/offroad contains data and a methodology sourced from the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for calculating emissions assoc…
Ethylene production [/business/processes/production/petrochemical/generic/ethylene]
The category at business/processes/production/petrochemical/generic/ethylene provides a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the steam cracking proc…
Waste steady state [/business/waste/steadyState]
Solid waste emissions methodology. Calculates methane (CH4) and CO2e emissions associated with solid waste disposal facilities using disposal rates. Global. Summary This methodolog…
Fuels associated with biofuel blends by DEFRA [/business/energy/stationaryCombustion/defra/blends/conventional]
This methodology represents which conventional fuels which are associated with biofuel blends. The data and calculation methodology originates from the UK government department DEF…
DEFRA transport fuel methodology [/transport/defra/fuel]
This methodology represents greenhouse gas emissions associated with the combustion of fuel for transport purposes. The data and calculation methodology originates from the UK gove…
Domestic waste water [/business/waste/water/domestic]
The category /business/waste/water/domestic contains data and a methodology for calculating methane emissions associated with domestic waste water, sourced from the IPCC Guidelines…
Heat transfer fluids production methodology [/business/processes/production/electronics/heattransferfluids/production]
The category at business/processes/production/electronics/heattransferfluids/production provides a methodology for calculating the emissions associated with the use of heat transfe…
DEFRA journey based flight methodology [/transport/defra/passenger/flight]
Passenger flight methodology. Calculates direct, indirect and life cycle carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and CO2e emissions associated with passenger fligh…
Carbide production [/business/processes/production/carbide]
The category at business/processes/production/carbide provides a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production and use of silicon and calcium …
European heavy duty transport IPCC [/transport/lgv/generic/ipcc/europe]
This category is deprecated. The IPCC methodology for European large goods vehicle transport can be found here The category /transport/lgv/generic/ipcc/europe contains data on gree…
Electricity gas [/business/energy/electricity/gas]
Grid electricity methodology. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with gas-fired electricity generation by country. Summary This methodology represents CO2 emissio…
Iron and Steel coke [/business/processes/production/ironandsteel/coke]
Metal industry methodology, coke production. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and CO2e emissions based on the quantities of materials consumed and produced. Globally …
Transport fuels by Greenhouse Gas Protocol [/transport/ghgp/fuel]
Transport fuel emissions methodology. Calculates direct fossil and/or biogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with fuel consumed for a variety of common transport fuels.…
Electricity coal [/business/energy/electricity/coal]
Grid electricity methodology. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with coal-fired electricity generation by country. Summary This methodology represents CO2 emissi…