Life cycle dataset, source publication references. Lists sources of data for ICE life cycle analysis dataset, including title, author(s), year of publicaiton and ISBN Summary The I…
The Inventory for Carbon and Energy, or ICE, is a life cycle database representing a wide range of building and construction materials, published by the Sustainable Energy Research…
Life cycle methodology, materials. Calculates embodied energy and carbon dioxide (CO2) and CO2e emissions based on the quantity of materials used (by area). Scenarios include paint…
Life cycle methodology, materials. Calculates embodied energy and carbon dioxide (CO2) and CO2e emissions based on the quantity of materials used (by mass). Scenarios include speci…
Life cycle methodology, concrete. Calculates embodied energy and carbon dioxide (CO2) and CO2e emissions based on the quantity of concrete used. Scenarios include standard mixes, b…
Life cycle methodology, window air space fills. Calculates embodied energy, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions based on the number of window units. Scenarios include air, argon, kr…
Life cycle methodology, windows. Calculates embodied energy, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions based on the number of window units. Scenarios include single and double glazings, t…
Life cycle methodology, timber. Calculates embodied energy, fossil-derived carbon dioxide (CO2), biogenic CO2 and CO2e emissions based on the quantity of timber used. Scenarios inc…