Heating UK types


This category contains a list of heating types (systems) for a variety of fuels and gives associated efficiency.

This category is primarily a look-up category for /home/heating/uk.

3GMAQ00QL3KI biomass, boiler (wood chip/pellets)
FNNUP02S7BFD biomass, stove
CLCV4NWPBTFL coal, boiler automatic (gravity) feed
TWXUNRRQN0IP coal, boiler-manual feed
IP8TMNP24S1L coal, closed room heaters
QUPI6WZMT91G coal, open fires
DJCG4EC2W7N8 coal, open fires with back boiler to radiators
GPXL1O4L7WPV electricity, modern storage heaters (slim line)
UWQ625KMTDGG electricity, old storage heaters (large volume)
Z46BZGPDDJJC electricity, room heaters (convector panel or radiant heaters)
8NU4CYAX1ZRZ gas, back boiler
4HHFRFIEV90F gas, boiler (age unknown)
494EZSFNRP93 gas, boiler (average-5-10yrs old)
FKOZG2HGW0XX gas, boiler (condensing)
AZRDG8ATM9T1 gas, boiler (new-less than 5 yrs old)
QIYO93TEK6YP gas, boiler (old-12-15yrs old)
IKSP1TBDII2L gas, room heaters
VG04D8N018UW gas, warm air
MBLP1RUMM9PO lpg, boiler (age unknown)
C04IMCL3XWJ9 lpg, boiler (average-5-10yrs old)
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Name: Heating_UK_types
Full path: /home/heating/uk/heatingtypes
Parent Category: Heating uk
Provenance: RdSAP,EST