Note It most cases it is preferable to create a profile item in /home/energy/quantity and set its season value rather than a creating a profile item in this category. Explanation P…
This category gives the saving possible by use of renewable technologies in the UK. Note that this category is primarily a look-up for /home/heating/uk.
This category lists the typical floor areas for a variety of UK home types. Note that this category is primarily a look-up category for /home/heating/uk.
The quantity category contains emission factors for all major fuels and electricity generation. Although you can create profile items in the electricity and electricityiso categori…
The water usage category calculates the emissions from certain household activities such as using the dishwasher or showering. Once the activity has been selected the emissions are…
This category contains a list of heating types (systems) for a variety of fuels and gives associated efficiency. This category is primarily a look-up category for /home/heating/uk.
This methodology enables the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions associated with the use of internal lighting. This category is based on typical energy consumption per year of …
This data represents actions that result in reductions of CO2 emissions. These tips make broad assumptions about typical usage of various items in the UK. Given detailed informatio…
This section calculates the effect of different methods of water usage reductions. The user can select from three options fix dripping tap install water meter turn off tap when cle…
This methodology contains energy consumption and CO2 emissions data associated with several generic types and ranges of screen sizes of television. To use this methodology, select …
This category contains data on the typical emissions associated with domestic electrical appliance usages in the UK per either individual or household.
The data in this category is used to determine the emission factor to apply to electrical device usage based on the country specified in metadata profile item, defaulting to the UK…