Televisions Generic Ranges


This methodology contains energy consumption and CO2 emissions data associated with several generic types and ranges of screen sizes of television.

To use this methodology, select the television type and screen size using the type and size drill choices. Next set the number of hours for which the television is on, using the hoursOn parameter. The returned value represents CO2 emissions associated with the specified television usage.

By default, emissions are calculated on the basis on the emissions intensity of the UK electricity grid. If calculations are stored using profiles, an alternative country can be specified within the profile metadata.


Also in the case where calculations are stored using profiles, if the standby item in the /home/appliances/entertainment/generic category has been set, any profile items created in this category will incorporate an estimate of emissions associated with the specified level of standby usage, i.e. emissions reflect those associated with both full power and standby usage.

MZKKT74H8PV0 crt, 14-18
CUQSE8M47YKE crt, 19-22
GC8LDIMUBBTC crt, 23-25
CXL2PVYU9GZH crt, 26-28
8ATWQVVNJ7CK crt, 29-33
Z7Z2IQO751BE crt, 34-38
OLASQN2NAQRY crt, less than 14
3LEI3CSMG5NW flat screen, 14-18
E2DWKWXW3NI5 flat screen, 19-22
7M036PE4CO7Q flat screen, 23-25
5D8UE7949F8O flat screen, 26-28
TCWXQTN9NEND flat screen, 29-33
M0FCOTMLORC1 flat screen, 34-38
SM7VYXHI24U8 flat screen, 39-43
KY4C17GT3GLS flat screen, 44-48
A7XBQNBG6UFT flat screen, 49-53
F7X979K089RU flat screen, 54-58
Y6METUBE41QV flat screen, 59-64
K6C9J8BSO4KG flat screen, 65+
BZ81GXM70Q7U flat screen, less than 14
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Name: Televisions_Generic_Ranges
Full path: /home/appliances/televisions/generic/ranges
Parent Category: Televisions generic
Provenance: MTP