This provides data and calculation methodologies to facilitate the measurement and monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from lime manufacturing. Major consumption of li…
CarbonKit provides several categories for calculating and monitoring greenhouse gas emissions associated with primary production of Aluminium and related processes. These methodolo…
This category provides an 'alternative method' for calculating aluminium-related CO2 emissions, based on the carbon content of materials consumed. This methodology is sourced from …
The category /business/processes/production/aluminium/coke provides a methodology for calculating the emissions associated with coke calcination. The methodology is sourced from Th…
The category business/processes/production/lime/production/iai provides a methodology for calculating the emissions associated with lime production. The methodology is sourced from…
This category provides a methodology for calculating CO2 emissions from the consumption of soda ash in the aluminium industry. This methodology is sourced from the WRI Greenhouse G…