The category business/agriculture contains data on CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions associated with a variety of agricultural practices, sourced from the IPCC Guidelines for …
The category business/agriculture/livestock/manure/CH4 contains data on the methane emissions associated with the storage and treatment of livestock manure, sourced from the IPCC N…
The category business/agriculture/livestock/manure/N2O contains data on direct and indirect nitrous oxide emissions associated with the storage and treatment of livestock manure, s…
The category /business/agriculture/livestock contains data and methodologies for calculating greenshouse gas emissions associated with the keeping of livestock, sourced from the IP…
The category /business/agriculture/soil contains data and methodologies for calculating greenhouse gas emissions from managed soils, sourced from the IPCC Guidelines for National G…
The category /business/agriculture/soil/inputs contains a methodology for calculating the N2O emissions associated with the application of nitrogen to managed soils, sourced from t…
The category business/agriculture/livestock/manure contains data on the emissions associated with the storage and treatment of livestock manure, sourced from the IPCC National Gree…
Managed soils methodology, synthetic and organic fertilizer applications. Calculates nitrous oxide emissions (N2O and CO2e) based on the quantity of nitrogen applied. Scenarios inc…
Domestic livestock methodology, manure management and storage. Calculates methane emissions (CH4 and CO2e) based on livestock population. Scenarios include cattle, buffalo and swin…
Domestic livestock methodology, manure management and storage. Calculates methane emissions (CH4 and CO2e) based on livestock population. Scenarios represent various types of poult…
Domestic livestock methodology, manure management and storage. Calculates methane emissions (CH4 and CO2e) based on livestock population. Scenarios include camel, deer, goat, horse…
Managed soils methodology, liming treatment. Calculates carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) based on quantities of lime (carbonates) applied. Scenarios include limestone and dolomite. G…
Domestic livestock methodology, manure management and storage. Calculates nitrous oxide emissions (N2O and CO2e) based on total liveweight. Scenarios include camels, goats, horses,…
Managed soils methodology, drained/managed organic soils. Calculates nitrous oxide emissions (N2O and CO2e) based on land area managed. Scenarios include boreal, temperate and trop…
The category /business/waste/bio contains data and a methodology sourced from the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for calculating greenhouse gas emissions f…
Domestic livestock methodology, manure management and storage. Calculates nitrous oxide emissions (N2O and CO2e) based on total liveweight. Scenarios include various types of poult…
Managed soils methodology, urine and dung additions from grazing livestock. Calculates nitrous oxide emissions (N2O and CO2e) based on quantity of N deposition. Scenarios include c…
Cropland methodology, rice cultivation. Calculates methane emissions (CH4 and CO2e) based on cultivation area and time period and quantity of organic soil amendments. Scenarios inc…
Domestic livestock methodology, manure management and storage. Calculates nitrous oxide emissions (N2O and CO2e) based on livestock population or total liveweight. Scenarios includ…