The category at business/processes/production/hydrogen/consumption provides a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of hydrogen. The m…
Reference dataset, airports. Provides airport names, countries and latitude and longitude references for 500 cities and major destinations indexed by country and name. Globally app…
The category business/processes/production/ferroalloy/ch4 is aimed towards industry professionals to enable them to prepare inventories of greenhouse gas emissions from ferroalloy …
The data in this category is used to determine the emission factor to apply to electrical device usage based on the country specified in the metadata profile item, defaulting to th…
The category /business/processes/production/electronics/etchingandcvdcleaning contains data and methodologies for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the plasma et…
Managed soils methodology, synthetic and organic fertilizer applications. Calculates nitrous oxide emissions (N2O and CO2e) based on the quantity of nitrogen applied. Scenarios inc…
The category business/processes/production/cement/ipcc/clinker provides a methodology for calculating the emissions associated with cement production. The methodology is based on t…
The category at business/processes/production/petrochemical/generic/ethylenedichloride provides a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the productio…
Fugitive emissions methodology, underground mining. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions based on the quantity of oil or gas processed. …
Metal industry methodology, aluminium. Calculates carbon tetrafluoride (CF4) and carbon hexafluoride (C2F6) emissions based on the quantity of aluminium produced. Scenarios include…
The category /business/waste/combustion/industrial contains data and methodologies sourced from the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for calculating greenhou…
Calculations for electric cars have their kg CO2 calculated using generic energy consumption rates together with the grid electricity-generation emission factor for the country spe…
The category at /transport/byFuel includes data for the mobile burning of a variety of fuels taken from parts of several of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol worksheets. See below for de…
The category /business/waste/combustion/municipal contains data and methodologies sourced from the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for calculating greenhous…
Domestic livestock methodology, manure management and storage. Calculates methane emissions (CH4 and CO2e) based on livestock population. Scenarios include cattle, buffalo and swin…
Metal industry methodology, sinter production. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and CO2e emissions based on the quantities of materials consumed and produced. Globall…
The category /transport/byFuel/ipcc/train contains data on emissions associated with train fuel consumption, sourced from the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventorie…
General industry methodology, flaring. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions based on the quantity of gas flared. Globally applicable. Summary This methodolog…
Domestic livestock methodology, manure management and storage. Calculates methane emissions (CH4 and CO2e) based on livestock population. Scenarios represent various types of poult…
The category business/processes/production/cement/ipcc/cement provides a methodology for calculating the emissions associated with cement production. The methodology is based on th…