This page represents a dataset describing the physical properties for a number of fossil- and biofuels. The data originates from the UK government department DEFRA, as published in…
This category is now deprecated. All of the functionality of this category (and more) an be found under the specific DEFRA category for plane transport This category contains CO2 e…
This category contains CO2 emissions factors for each electricity generation method used to supply grid electricity. It is a look-up category and so profile items should not be cre…
Reference dataset, airports. Provides airport names, countries and latitude and longitude references for 500 cities and major destinations indexed by country and name. Globally app…
The category /business/processes/production/electronics/etchingandcvdcleaning/emissionscontrol contains data on the effect on emissions of emissions control technologies implemente…
The category at /business/processes/production/petrochemical/massbalance/carboncontent contains data on the carbon contents of feedstocks, products and by-products relating to the …
The category /business/energy/stationaryCombustion/epa/ch4andn2ofactors contains data on the emissions of CH4 and N2O associated with stationary fuel combustion, sourced from the U…
The category at /business/waste/water/industrial/industryfactors contains data on typical waste water characteristics of specific industries: (1) the typical volume of waste water …